Block Microsoft 365 apps on specific devices using Entra ID Conditional Access

I received a recent requirement to block access to all Microsoft 365/Office 365 applications, such as Exchange Online (Outlook email access), SharePoint Online, OneDrive, Microsoft Teams, and Microsoft Forms.

This includes both online and installed application access. Specific IT department developers use the target devices for this block. Since these are development machines, they don’t need to use Office 365 applications.

It’s worth mentioning that the developer devices follow a specific naming convention, such as having “Win10” in their names. We’ll explore how to create a Conditional Access (CA) Policy and apply it to these specific devices. Conditional Access Policies can target devices based on filters available under any CA policy’s “Conditions” section.

Create an Entra ID Conditional Access (CA) Policy

  • Sign in to the Entra admin center.
  • Search for Microsoft Entra Conditional Access and click on New Policy to create a new CA policy.
Create a New Conditional Access Policy
Create a New Conditional Access Policy
  • When you select Create a new policy, you must configure the policy using the following settings: I’ll provide the options you need to configure, while the remaining settings should be set to not configured.
  • Provide a Name to the CA policy. For example, Block Office365 apps on Developer Devices.


  • Users: Select All Users under Include.

Target resources

  • Select apps under Include

Choose all the apps you wish to block, such as Office 365 Exchange Online, Office 365 SharePoint Online, Office 365 Yammer, Microsoft Teams, etc. Alternatively, you can add “Office 365” to block all Office 365 applications. The provided screenshot illustrates adding individual apps that I wanted to block.

Select Office 365 apps to block
Select Office 365 apps to block


  • Device Platforms: Toggle the Configure switch to Yes and click on Select device platforms. Select Windows.
Select Windows devices under Device platforms
Select Windows devices under Device platforms

Client Apps

  • Toggle the Configure switch to Yes, then Select Browser, Mobile Apps, and Desktop Clients.
Apply to Browser and Mobile apps and desktop clients
Apply to Browser and Mobile apps and desktop clients

Client Apps

  • Click on Filter for devices and toggle the Configure switch to Yes.
  • Select Include filtered devices in the policy.

To filter the devices and apply this policy only to machines with “Win10” in their name, create a rule using the query: “device.displayName -contains ‘Win10‘.” This way, the policy will specifically target devices with “Win10” in their display name.

Conditional Access policy filter will only target devices which contains Win10 in their name
The conditional Access policy filter will only target devices that contain Win10 in their name

Access Controls


Under the “Grant” access control configuration, select “Block access” to prevent access to Office 365 from the machines. Since the policy has been applied to all users, anyone using machines with “Win10” in their name will be blocked from accessing any Office 365 apps included in this CA policy. Access to these apps via web browsers or installed clients is impossible.

Block O365 Access to all users where device name contains "*Win10*"
Block O365 Access to all users where device name contains “*Win10*”

End-user Experience

Now, let’s test our policy on one of my test machines, which has “Win10” in its name. The computer is named “AdeleV-Win10,” so I should not be granted access to any Office 365 app from this PC.

Below is the screenshot from my test PC.

Verify Conditional Access policy
Verify the Conditional Access policy

Test 1: Access to Microsoft Teams App

The error message displayed when attempting to access the Microsoft Teams app results from the Conditional Access Policy we recently implemented.

You cannot access this right now Conditional Access block
You cannot access this right now Conditional Access block

Test 2: Access to Microsoft Exchange Online Web App

Access to the Outlook Online version has been blocked as well with the error message:

Your sign-in was successful but does not meet the criteria for accessing this resource. For example, you might be signing in from a browser, app, or location restricted by your admin.

You cannot access this right now Conditional Access block
You cannot access this right now Conditional Access block

Wrapping up

In summary, Conditional Access is a powerful tool for enhancing the security of your Microsoft 365 and Azure environment. Device filters allow you to fine-tune policies to specific device types, and numerous other conditions and filters are available to ensure policies are precisely targeted. In this blog post, we learned how to block access to Office 365 apps from specific devices using a Conditional Access policy.

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