Display lock screen Message on macOS using Intune

You can display an Organization’s message on the Lock screen of a macOS device, which can provide useful information such as Emergency Information, Policy communication, Security and Privacy messages, and Legal Notices.

For example, You could display something like the below:

Legal Notice
This is a Private Network. Unauthorized access or misuse of this system is an Offense under [Act Name]. All activities on this network are monitored, and any violations will be subject to legal action. By logging in, you agree to comply with [Your Organization’s] security and data protection policies. If you are not an authorized user, disconnect immediately. For assistance or questions, contact [Contact Information].

Your device must be enrolled in and managed by Intune to configure this message on the macOS lock screen.

The above message is a Legal Notice, but you can display any message. It could be a Welcome message, Helpdesk Contact number, Privacy Policy, or System Usage Policy.

Let’s check how to configure this message using the Intune admin center in the following steps:

Step 1 – Create a Device Configuration Profile

The first step is to create a device configuration profile for macOS on the Intune admin center. Let’s check the steps:

  • Sign in to the Intune admin center.
  • Devices macOS > Configuration Profiles.
  • Click on + Create Profile to add a new profile.
  • Select Profile type as Templates.
  • Select Template name as Device features.
Display lock screen Message on macOS using Intune
Display lock screen Message on macOS using Intune

Basics tab

Provide a unique name and description of the profile. For example:

  • Name: Display Lock Screen Message macOS
  • Description: This Device Configuration profile will configure a Lock screen Org. message on all MacOS devices

Configuration Settings

On the Configuration Settings tab, Expand the Login Window and find a setting called Banner. In the Banner text box, enter your organization message. Whatever Information is entered in the Banner text box will be displayed on the Lock screen of macOS.

A message that appears to users on the login screen. The message could be, for example, a welcome, a warning, or your organization’s lost and found contact information.

About Banner Setting
Display lock screen Message on macOS using Intune / Banner Setting
Display lock screen Message on macOS using Intune / Banner Setting


It is recommended that this policy be tested first on a test group of devices before production. Therefore, Click on Add group and add a test Entra security group that contains test devices. Once the policy is tested successfully, you can add more devices to this group or add another group to assign this profile to additional devices.

Display lock screen Message on macOS using Intune (Assignments)
Display lock screen Message on macOS using Intune (Assignments)

Review + Create

Review the Device configuration profile Summary and click on Create to deploy.

Step 2 – Monitor Deployment Progress

You can follow the below steps to monitor the macOS lock screen profile status:

After you have deployed this device configuration profile, you will need to wait for the Device check-in process to complete.

If you’re testing this policy on a test device, you can manually kickstart Intune sync either from the device itself or remotely through the Intune admin center.

Alternatively, you can use PowerShell to force the Intune sync on macOS devices. Another way to trigger the Intune device check-in process is by restarting the device.

About Intune Device check-in
  • Go to Devices > macOS > Configuration Profiles. Select the macOS lock screen message profile.
  • You can find the Device and user check-in status to determine if the profile deployment succeeded.
Display lock screen Message on macOS using Intune (Monitor)
Display lock screen Message on macOS using Intune (Monitor)

End-User Experience

Let’s check if the Organization message is now on the Lock screen. This is to check if the message was applied successfully. Let’s check the steps:

  • Click on Apple Icon > Select Lock Screen
Display lock screen Message on macOS using Intune (Lock Screen)
Go to Apple Icon > click on Lock Screen
  • You can find the Banner message displayed on the lock Screen. As an example, I have configured the below message:

This is a Private Network. Unauthorized access or misuse of this system is an Offense under Computer Act XXX. All activities on this network are monitored, and any violations will be subject to legal action. By logging in, you agree to comply with cloudinfra.net security and data protection policies. If you are not an authorized user, disconnect immediately. For assistance or questions, contact Jatin Makhija.

Banner message configured from Intune admin center
Display lock screen Message on macOS using Intune (End-User Experience)
Display lock screen Message on macOS using Intune (End-User Experience)

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